Photo by Georg Dinkel
Melanie lives in the woods of Maine, surrounded by a plethora of wild life, including moose, bob cat, fox, coyotes, lots of song birds, wild turkeys and of course, ravens.
What drives Melanie's current work with polymer and mixed media is a life long fascination with Nature's use of extravagant forms, colors and patterns. Nature never ceases to amaze, and she has always been compelled to answer that amazement in her work.
Melanie's vessels and wearable art express a very personal, sensual experience, using a dream like impression of Melanie's unique vision of Nature.
A bit more information...
Current and Upcoming Shows -
Galerie Freisleben's Open Exhibition, August 10, 2014
Galerie Freisleben,A Re-Visioning: New Works in Polymer, September 9 - October 25
H.F. Johnson Gallery of Art, Carthage College, Kenosha, WISecrets of the Sea, September 18 - November 22, 2014
Atrium Art Gallery, University of Southern Maine, Lewiston, ME(In)Organic, September 24, 2014 - January 4, 2015
Racine Art Museum, Racine, WI"Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder", Ongoing.
Hosted by, curator Beth Wicker (
Previous Shows -
Spineless Wonders, 2008
Atrium Art Gallery, University of Southern Maine, Lewiston, MEMaine State House, Augusta, ME, 2005
Center for Maine Contemporary Art, Rockport, ME, January - February, 2005
Belfast Free Library, one woman show, Belfast, ME, Nevember, 2004
Los Angeles Center for Digital Art, LA, CA, September, 2004
Publications -
Masters Series - Polymer Clay, Lark Books, edited by Rachael Caron
Terra Nova: Polymer at the Crossroads, by Rachel Carren, Bruce W. Pepich and Lena Vigna
Polymer Clay Global Perpectives: Emerging Ideas and Technigues from 125 International Artists, by Cynthia Tinapple
Polymer Pizzazz 2, Kalimbach Books
Ornament Magazine, Polymer Clay: A Modern Medium Comes of Age
Art Jewelry Magazine, Polymer Clay Artist Melanie West's Path to Green Living (and Many-Colored Art)
Polymer Art Archive, West Meets East, by Elise Winters
The Art of Polymer Clay Millefiori Techniques, by Donna Kato
Polymer Clay Artists: Techniques and Projects for Creating Successful Palettes, by Lindly Haunani and Maggie Maggio
Adapting Quilt Patterns To Polymer Clay", Sarajane Helm and Judith Skinner
The Art of Polymer Clay Masks, Sarajane Helm
Photography published in Computer Arts Magazine, Architecture Magazine, Architectural Record, Connecticut Magazine, Multi-Housing News
Awards -
Niche 2012 Finalist for Polymer Clay
IPCG 2011 Progress & Possibilities First Place and Best of Show.
Niche 2010 Award for Polymer Clay
National Polymer Clay Guild "Progress and Possibilities 2008", Second Place in Art Jewelry
AIA Annual Architectural Photography Show, San Francisco, CA, 1990
Collections - Melanie's work is now included in personal collections around the world, from Japan to Spain, Switzerland to Canada.
Polymer Clay Permanent Collection, Racine Art Museum, Racine, WI